Newsletter – September 2021
September 22, 2021Article 1
June 24, 2022APRIL 2022
Wings of Change and Orange Collaboration for Femme et Carrière
April 14, 2022, Ambatozavavy, Nosy Be, Madagascar – In a ceremony to open a Digital Program, Wings of Change launches “Femme et Carrière”, a tech-based educational opportunity to educate impoverished women, single mothers, single women and disabled women, with IT and English/French languages. This program is made possible through generosity and partnership with Orange Madagascar Telecommunication.
“Access to quality education opened all horizons for me and today this enables me to give back to the students of Madagascar, a country that I love dearly”, said Afsana Amarsy, Wings of Change Founder and CEO, via Zoom at the ceremony attended by local dignitaries, the CEO of Orange Telecommunication and his team, Wings of Change students and some of the Wings of Change international team of instructors. “IT capacity is an everyday skill now and with this partnership we aim to enable women to become independent, autonomous and pave their own path towards a career”, said Frederic Debord, CEO Orange
“The affirmation of a corporate endorsement such as this tangible partnership enables a social enterprise like Wings of Change to solidify purpose and place in the market. Through this partnership, Wings of Change can expand on the mission for a pathway out of poverty through education”, says Afsana Amarsy.
Wings of Change opened its doors to education for transformation in spite of the pandemic in 2020, starting with an e-cademy in Nosy Be, Madagascar. The online English platform is a learning medium for language learning and live conversation classes in English and French provided daily via Zoom. From the beginning, the mission has been to provide impoverished youth with education as a pathway out of poverty. To date, the e-cademy has received 728 students and many have completed the program with outstanding results.
The e-cademy is the gateway for students to attend the Wings of Change Vocational Hotel School where the best students are given the chance to pursue a yearlong room and board course in hospitality and tourism free of charge. The first cohort of 56 students graduated in February 2022 and are currently pursuing internships, while the second cohort of 53 students is in session.
Femme et Carrière is the latest education program at Wings of Change to build on the purpose-driven business model. Other initiatives of Wings of Change include the Saadri program, an in-person and via-Zoom English fluency course for both children aged 3-15 years and their mothers; the Her program is a traditional skills training program to strengthen employment opportunities for women.
Wings of Change is a social enterprise with a virtuous vision to impact impoverished communities through education and empowerment with employment opportunities in responsible tourism that align with all 17 of the UN Sustainability Goals. The flagship property of Wings of Change in Nosy Be, Madagascar comprises a Vocational Hospitality School and a boutique hotel
Orange Telecommunication, is a leading network operator and a global integrator of communications products and services for multinational corporations. Orange gives everyone the keys to a responsible digital world.
Please view the ceremony pictures via this link.